
        STI was first established in 1973 in Sulaimani City, it continued until 1980-1981. When the University of Sulaimani moved to Erbil Governorate in 1981, this institute was disrupted and its scientific departments were divided over the institutes of (Mousel, Baghdad, and Ammara), later according to verdict number 619 in 22.6.1988 the institute was established for the second time from the disruption of the Institute of Higher Health of the Ministry of Health and then it was linked to the committee of Technical Institutes of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

From buildings, places of study, administration, and students’ sides, the institute has seen development.


The institute’s mission is to prepare qualified technical staff in the technical, administrative, and various applied medical fields, equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to the reconstruction process. In addition, it enhances the role of technical education and its effectiveness in the knowledge and education society. It also adopts practical paths, systems, and curricula capable of strengthening the structure of technical forces in the country and the continuous updating of theoretical curricula and scientific applications. also expanding the scope of scientific and practical activity in its various directions subjectively, objectively, and socially, and finally establishing links of cooperation, communication, and interaction between the institute and segments of society, and the corresponding bodies locally and globally.


The vision of the institute is a pioneering and productive technician that combines the modernity of thought and the legacy of skillful, scientific, and knowledge-giving. So human building and community development create generations who are capable of building the country and dealing with the requirements of the labor market and information technology in the fields of medical, technological, and administrative techniques.

STI consists of 16 departments (Morning):

Medical Fields

1) Public Health
2) Medical Laboratory Technology
3) Pharmacy
4) Dental Nursing
5) Nursing
6) Anesthesia
7) Radiology
8) Maternity and Obstetric Nursing
9) Pediatric nursing


Engineering Fields

1) Surveying
2) Engineering Drawing
3) Mechanic CAD – CAM

4) Electrical Techniques

Administration Fields

1) Business Administration
2) Accounting
3) Technical Media

STI consists of 8 departments (Evening):

Medical Fields:

1) Medical Laboratory Technology
2) Pharmacy
3) Dental Nursing
4) Nursing

Engineering Fields

Electrical Techniques

Administration Fields

1) Business Administration
2) Accounting
3) Technical Media