The missions of Sulaimani Polytechnic University are primarily fulfilled through the academic departments. SPU offers 18 undergraduate programs by 5 colleges and 18 departments. All undergraduate programs at SPU follow the Bologna Process using the European credit accumulation system (ECTS). The Bachelor’s program is divided into 8 semesters within 4 years. To achieve a Bachelor’s degree, students must collect 240 ECTSs (30 ECTSs per semester).
The first semester across all academic departments is considered a Foundation Program, which is designed to enhance the student’s academic English skills, computer skills, critical thinking skills, and study habits. The later semesters are designed according to the student’s majors, which aligns with the Bologna Process using an up-to-date program for the polytechnic universities. Further, the final semester includes research and project subjects, allowing the students to obtain basic research skills and project development and management expertise.

The undergraduate academic programs are organized as follows:
- Medical Laboratory Department
- Anesthesia Department
- Nursing Department
- City Planning Engineering Department
- Petroleum and Energy Engineering Department
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- Communication Engineering Department
- Electrical Power Engineering Department
- Information Technology Department
- Database Technology Department
- Network Technology Department
- Public Relations & Marketing Department
- Accounting and Financial Technique Department
- Business Management Technique Department
- Media Technique Department
- Agricultural Projects Department
- Food Science and Quality Control Department
- Medical Laboratory Science Department