Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU) offers postgraduate programs of Higher Diploma (1 year), Master’s (2 years), and PhD (3 years) by nine academic departments. Similarly, all postgraduate programs at SPU follow the Bologna Process using the European credit accumulation system (ECTS). The Higher Diploma degree consists of 2 academic semesters, and a total of 60 ECTSs need to be collected, whereas, for Master's and Ph.D. degrees, 120 and 180 ECTSs need to be collected. The first-year academic postgraduate programs for both Master’s and PhD include two university foundation modules: Research Methodology and Biostatistics. The other modules are related to their academic departments and modules necessary according to the research proposal. The maximum number of modules per semester is six modules. The second (in both Master's and PhD) and third (in PhD) academic years are dedicated to research proposal writing, data collection, student progress, and thesis writing. Our research affects people, shapes policy, and advances our understanding of the world to improve it. A master’s or doctoral degree from Sulaimani Polytechnic University will help you achieve your full potential by expanding your knowledge in your subject of study and developing your skills.

The following academic departments offer postgraduate academic programs:
1. Medical Laboratory
2. City Planning Engineering
3. Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
4. Information Technology
5. Food Science and Quality Control
6. Accounting
7. Public Relations and Marketing
8. Business Management Technique
9. Media Technique