“SPU assists you in embracing the future with technology”
I am pleased to welcome you to the Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU). It is a privilege to lead such an outstanding institution of higher education. SPU is a public, inclusive and comprehensive Polytechnic University featuring active and applied learning to advance students’ knowledge and skills while fostering competent, resilient, lifelong learners to succeed in their careers and personal lives as creators, innovators, and responsible citizens.
I am firmly committed to academic excellence and integrity as the bedrock foundation of higher education. Furthermore, I believe passionately in student-centered learning. We create opportunities and inspire students to achieve their goals. We recognize that in addition to our students’ academic pursuits, they lead full, rich lives and need our support. Yet, SPU offers more than just a great learning experience. It broadens horizons and challenges assumptions. SPU has an excellent faculty and staff motivated to move forward. While my role is to lead, all of us must participate in these initiatives because it is only by working together that SPU, and all of us individually, will prosper.