
       Public relations and marketing is a crucial field that is continuously in growth and provides many career opportunities. This department is a mix of the process of teaching the science and art of marketing, public relations and English language striving to educate skilled, competent and diligent cadres for the market who can work locally and globally.

Degree, Total Course, Duration of the Study, language:

The Department of Public Relations and Marketing is subordinate to the Technical College of Administration and is located at the Chwarchra Campus of Sulaimani Polytechnic University. This department grants Bachelor degree to the student and the study lasts for four years (four stages with 8 semesters). The department had Professional Higher Diploma course in 2020-2021, which lasted one year with 2 semesters. The study in this department is in English and that is why it is better to have some knowledge in English for studying in this department. 


We aspire to be the choice for students who desire to develop the knowledge and skills needed to become academically successful and career ready in Marketing, and Public relations.

This department matches the necessity and requirements of the modern market since the science taught practically to the department students is to prepare highly experienced people in terms of modern science and tools for the market with excessive experience in the details and various aspects of marketing and public relations. Generally, there is a high demand in the market for highly experienced people with great expertise, skills, and potential in the language, art, and sciences of public relations and marketing.


We prepare students for academic and career success in Marketing and Public relation by providing quality education through student-centered instruction and experiential learning opportunities.

The department has some major goals:
  1. Preparation of skilled and experienced cadres in the field of marketing and public relations.
  2. Preparation of expert cadres of the English language to work in the market internationally.
  3. Providing job opportunities to the department graduates in the market easily.
  4. Enhancing the students’ abilities to establish relations successfully and effectively with their customers and receivers and using the methods of public relations and marketing in the best way possible.
  5. Gaining experience on using the technological tools in the best manner to deliver their messages.
  6. Getting experience to plan and execute the plans of marketing
  7. Giving expertise and specialty on commitment to the work ethics and morals in relation to the art and science of public relations and marketing in the market.
  8. Giving knowledge and information to the department graduates on new media technologies and how to use them.
Student Outcome:
  1. As a graduate, students will learn how to:
  2. Develop marketing strategies based on key consumer dimensions including buying behaviors, existing attitudes and amenabilities to different marketing strategies;
  3. Develop promotional strategy skills including product/service and customer analysis and interactive personal selling skills in a simulated selling situation;
  4. Develop career path interests and options leading to career-based employment upon graduation;
  5. Develop strategies to grow and maintain public relationships;
  6. Apply the principles of business ethics and corporate social responsibility to business decisions;
  7. Employ the management techniques of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of marketing functions and activities.

For questions about the application process to all, please contact an Admissions Counsellor at:


Contact Number: 009647701422555