
        This department was launched in 2015 at Darbandikhan Technical Institute. Until now more than 500 students have graduated from this department and many of them were employed in the health sectors in Kurdistan. The department involves student in qualified nursing program that has constructed to enriching student knowledge and skill for standard professional work. This department actively can provide better environment for learning and education. Student also can use facilities in the Labs, and library with consideration to their need to learning. The department have laboratories for human physiology, human anatomy, fundamental of nursing, medical microbiology, and medical biochemistry. Clinical courses would also teach through the hospitals practice that student directly would approach to real patient in the hospitals. Nursing course has included more 15 core, basic and general courses. All courses are taught in English and student would also assess in English. Exam are carried out under department committee, and practice exam would undergo in the lab and in the fields. The program has been arranged with the basis and general modules in the first year, and in the second-year core modules for nursing have been included. The course is very constructive for preparing student to be a professional nurse. All teaching staff have almost an academic degree and tittle.


This department has focused on well-training and qualified program for nursing students. This department would arrange course for training student regarding the most recent skills and experiences that need to nursing professional. All student should be able to provide qualified nursing care to patients and people who need to health care. All students would be also engaged in the essential courses that should meet with the student abilities to work as professional nurse.  The courses could also enhance the student’s vision to comprehend the theories regarding to nursing and fulfil student skills for nursing practice.  Every student graduated from this department should have the required knowledge regarding nursing practice and should be able to work as skilled nurse in the health sectors. Simple nursing procedure such as vital signs, and injection to more complex procedure such as applying nasogastric tube, endotracheal tube and chest tube should be taught to all students with high standard.


The department vision is about well-constructed program and pedagogy, various method of teaching, and high educational staff that would increase qualified graduated student and nursing care for patient in need of health care. Health care could be improved through new employees. In the first year, all students would involve in the basic and general courses that are required for comprehending the diseases, diseases process, human physiology, and the fundamental of nursing work. Student would be taught about Human anatomy, Physiology, Medical biochemistry, medical biochemistry, fundamental of nursing.  In the first years, all students would have clear idea about the method and principles of human wellbeing and disorders that lead to diseases development. Student would understand the nursing works and the theories that have been participated in the constructing and developing nursing science. The students in the second years, would learn about management of patient and providing nursing care for pediatric patient, maternity patient, adult patient, and mental health patient. The courses have been designed to learn student about etiology, clinical features, management and treatment of diseases in differences section of nursing fields. The second-year courses encompass the medical surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, primary health care, psychiatric mental health nursing, and diet and nutritional therapy. 

Criteria for Nursing:

Nursing care and services are directly applied to human that are in need to body wellbeing or emotional and psychological wellbeing. To meet this need, nurses require to preserve human and patient rights, nursing care always is provided by considering patient’s feeling, right and dignity. Patient approach is the main concern of nursing since nursing is not diseases science while it is a patient science.

There are some criteria to this department

  1. Graduates are being well trained about patient approach and can apply nursing science for patient
  2. Graduated from this department are hold Technical Diploma Degree in nursing care
  3. Student graduated from this department will be able to work as a nurse in health sectors, hospitals and health center.

Graduate student in this department could take role as trainer, leader and health practitioner in none governmental health organizations.