
        One of the departments of the Darbandikhan Technical Institute is Electrical Techniques. This department is responsible for educating students in the field of electricity.

Students who complete this department can work in these places:

  1. Operation and maintenance of electric units for the electrical power plants, transmission lines, and distribution.
  2. Maintenance of prevention and control devices for the electrical power system.
  3. Maintenance of electrical devices such as generators, motors, and transformers.
  4. Operation and maintenance as an electrical technician in the field of electrical installation of houses, apartments, or big buildings.
  5. Maintenance of the cooling and heating systems.
  6. Operation and maintenance of the power section’s telecommunications unit and control system.

The vision of the department of electrical techniques is to become a nationally and internationally leading institution of higher learning, building upon the culture and values of universal science and contemporary education, an education generating the knowledge and the technologies which lay the groundwork for shaping the future in electrical technology.


The mission of the department of electrical techniques is to provide the students with a wide range of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be successful technicians in the field of electrical technology. The education should prepare graduates to work in both public and private sector organizations in the Kurdistan region and outside.

  1. Demonstrate safe practices and procedures related to electricity, electronics, equipment, hardware, and software.
  2. Demonstrate an ability teamwork skill to effectively interact with employers, coworkers, and others.
  3. Apply critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills
  4. Use basic test equipment to construct, analyze, and troubleshoot electrical and electronic components, circuits, and systems
  5. Construct, troubleshoot, and repair electrical and electronic.
  6. Install, configure, test, and related equipment, hardware, and software.

At the end of the study, students can:

  1. Understand all the scientific and academic aspects specialized in this field.
  2. They have sufficient information in the fields of electrical science, and the techniques of how electrical tools are used.
  3. Carry out scientific research competent in this field.

Participate in workshop and seminars on treatment and find out appropriate ways to solve electrical problems in this filed by academically and scientifically.