In Kurdistan region, as the Petroleum industry has been boasting in the last decade, an increased demand for local qualified staff to be a solid base in the growing technical field was the reason behind the establishment of the department in 2016-2017. It is considered a pioneer department in Iraq, where it keeps pace with the development of oil and gas industries and renewable energy. It has been training capable engineering undergraduates since its foundation with improved curricula comparable to those offered by leading developed departments where it complies with the standards of the European Bologna system. The number of students in the current academic year (2023-2024) is about 150 students.

- Prepare engineers with knowledge of scientific and engineering expertise and prepare them to be qualified in order to work in various fields of the oil and gas industry.
- Supporting the educational process in line with international accreditation standards.
- Developing the capabilities of the faculty and attracting distinguished talents.
- Encouraging sound and innovative scientific research and employing it in the labor market.
- Scientific cooperation and establishing partnership agreements with the corresponding departments and advanced scientific research centers at home and abroad.
- Communicating with the community by holding courses and seminars that deepen the awareness and culture of this specialty.