The aim of the department is to provide experts in the field of mechanics and manufacturing for both the public and private sectors in Kurdistan. The Department of Mechanical and manufacturing Engineering has an important role in the region because it is dedicated to introducing graduates to new technologies in the fields of manufacturing in various ways and delivery to users and installation and operation of all mechanical equipment that is widely used daily in homes, markets and factories, then how to repair them in case of problems or breakages.

Historical notes:
The Department of Mechanical Engineering (Production, General) was established as the first department in previously known Sulaimani Technical College (Currently known as College of Engineering) in 2003. The department started with the specialization of Welding Engineering (until academic year 2005-2006) to graduate Mechanical Engineer/ Welding to worked at Petroleum sections in Kurdistan. In 2006-2007 as the industrial sector in Kurdistan grew up by building factories in various sectors, the need was at that time, and for now, is to graduate Engineers who are able to work and supervise production lines in those factories and fulfil the requirements of local market. Therefore, the department specialization changed to Production Engineering and Metallurgy/ Production specialization. In 2017-2018 the department name changed to Mechanical Engineering with two specializations: Production and General to cover the needs of this area of Kurdistan to Mechanical Engineers with different specialization as the department is the unique one in public universities in Sulaimani region. As a result of rapid technological development and expansion of labor market demand and the introduction of new manufacturing methods, as well as in order to improve and change the sector and strengthen the relationship with the labor market, Once again in 2023, the department was renovated and its name was changed to the Department of (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) in order to train specialist engineers in the field of mechanical and manufacturing to meet the needs of the labor market. The department aims at supplementing both public and private sectors with qualified engineers. It plays an important role in enhancing the economic growing and fill the requirements and needs of market place in Kurdistan. The Mechanical Engineering Department plays an important role in our society as it brings helpful technologies to our modern society. Almost everything we use in our daily life is manufactured in factories which use mechanical engineering principles staring from raw martial going through various manufacturing processes and using today’s technology of manufacturing systems until producing the final product.
Career Opportunity:
Graduates of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering will be familiar with all the steps of conventional and modern manufacturing methods such as CNC and 3D Printing, with design using special software, as well as familiar with the use of metals and materials such as composite materials. Therefore, graduates can take up various jobs in factories, offices and governmental and non-
governmental institutions in the region, in addition to the ability to establish and run their own businesses. Furthermore, graduates of this department will be proficient in the process of quality control, estimating the cost of production, participating in administrative affairs and supervising mechanical departments and operating various mechanical equipment in offices and factories, in addition to the ability to repair (maintenance) various equipment and vehicles and control of their work.