
The role and mission for the committee of scientific and higher education affairs:

This committee do its best to achieve equitable higher education for all students applying for higher education in our college. The awarded higher degree should meet the needs of the society in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The higher education subjects and the teaching process should be of advanced knowledge base.

Scientific Committee Members

Full NameAcademic TitlePosition
Dr. Farman Zahir AbdullahLecturerDean of the Institute
Hemin Mohammed Azez Assist LecturerScientific and Higher Education Unit
Sarkwt Ibrahim MahmoudAssist LecturerHead of Electric Circuit Department
Abbas Omer AbdallaAssist LecturerHead of Business Administration Department
Zanyar Ali Ahmed LecturerHead of IT Department
Swara Fateh Hawez Assist LecturerHead of Nursing Department
Omran M. Rashid AbdulqadirAssist LecturerHead of Accounting Department