
        Medical laboratory science is the use of various methods and techniques to conduct accurate tests for blood samples, tissues and other body fluids that are needed on the human body in order to diagnose diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, blood and many other diseases by using several modern and various instruments.

The curriculum of the Bachelor of medical laboratory program is designed to provide students with the most update and relevant content in the biomedical sciences field, which includes both study in theoretical methods in conjunction with practice and laboratory demonstrations. In addition, students undergo a two-month internship in hospital laboratories designed to hone their skills, allowing them to comprehensively apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies.

The Master’s program curriculum is designed to provide students with in-depth updated knowledge in the respective fields, enhance students’ critical thinking and problem solving abilities, introduce them to scientific research, and provide them the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge in designing and conducting scientific research studies.

Now, the number of students is about 293 students. Currently this department has overall 22 academic staff of them (1) is Professor, (5) assistant professor, (10) PhD degree holders, (12) MSc degree and (23) lab assistance (BSc with diploma).

Graduates holding a Medical Laboratory Sciences degree have the following job opportunities:

  1. Private and government diagnostic laboratories.
  2. Research laboratories at universities and various medical research institutions.
  3. Teaching at educational institutions (e.g., private and government universities, collages, and schools, etc.)
  4. Biomedical supplies companies.
  5. In addition to the aforementioned above, holders of a Masters degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences can take-on leadership and administrative roles in diagnostic and research laboratories.


The Department of Medical Laboratory, which is one of the medical departments of the Technical College of Health and Medicine, was established in 2014. Since its inception, our department has focused on several important aspects of teaching and a good system of education and graduation of higher education students.

This department focuses on updating study strategies in line with contemporary developments and demands as well as vacancies in medical laboratories keeping in mind the future of students and ensuring their scientific and technical skills.

The object is to prepare experienced technical academics in the medical laboratory analysis with bachelor degree, they were able in identification of disease and to develop public clinical hospitals or private clinics and develop labor market. In addition, they will master their abilities to learn all those tests that are necessary to recognize different kinds of diseases and verified by medical laboratories.


The vision of the medical laboratory department:

  1. Provide excellent undergraduate academic technical education in the Medical Laboratory Sciences.
  2. Contribute to the health sciences body of knowledge through basic and clinical research, and function as an expert resource within the University community regarding all issues related to medical laboratory sciences.