On January 27th, 2021, the 5th international training workshop of the joint Digital cultural heritage (DCH)-the Nahrein Network “Digital Cultural Heritage” Training Program under the title “Activating Museums and Historic Sites with Augmented Reality Technology ” was held. Over 168 …
On January 20th, 2021, the 1st international training workshop of the joint Digital cultural heritage (DCH)-the Nahrein Network “creative cities” Training Program under the title “Land use bylaws and cities” was held. Over 186 participants from 31 different universities and …
24 Jan 2021 CDC Center CDC department, which belongs to SPU, with the support of Gaza Sky Geeks performs a freelance program which is a three-month free online program for those who are between (18- 30) years of age. The …
Arshak Manukian, consul general of Armenia in the Kurdistan Region, and Hemn Karim Mam Rash, the president of Kurdi-Armani Organization, visited the presidency of Sulaimani Polytechnic University. Dr. Alan, the president of SPU, and some other senior staff warmly welcomed …
19 Jan 2021 In order to have a better relationship together, Amanj Aziz, the general director of the Sulaimani branch of the Independent High Elections Commission, visited the office of the president of SPU, Dr. Alan Faradiwn, and other senior …
In accordance with public safety measures, on 20/12/2020 at the Art Building the Night of Yalda festival, named “Coexistence on Yalda Night” took place. The festival was supervised by the General Directorate of Culture and Art, the Center and Artistic …
Space 21 which is an independent festival for sound art and experimental music in Kurdistan sponsored by Goethe Institute. In collaboration with Digital Cultural Heritage research center based at Sulaimani Polytechnic University, held an event entitled” Space 21” on the …
On November 30th, 2020, the third international training workshop entitled “Introduction to Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning” was held. Over 89 participants from 22 different universities and government and non-government associations and organizations from a total of 3 countries (Iraq, United …
17 Nov 2020, Sara Cultural Center In the continuation of the work and activity of the Sulaimani Polytechnic University/ Digital Cultural Heritage Research Center in, in the 236th anniversary of the establishment of Sulaimani, held a crowded ceremony at the …
On October 27th, 2020, the second international training workshop of the joint Digital cultural heritage (DCH)-the Nahrein Network “Digital Cultural Heritage” Training Program under the title “Challenges in 3D Modeling of Historic Buildings and Archaeological Sites ” was held. Over …