
        It is one of the departments of the Dukan Technical Institute, which is officially under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research. It is located in the town of Dukan, one of the districts of Sulaimaniyah province.

This department is the only one that exists throughout the Kurdish region in general and specifically at Sulaimaniyah Polytechnic University (SPU) and this has made it particularly important. Because of this fact, many students want to study in this area in comparison with other departments.                          


The purpose of the department is to educate the middle-class cadres through awarding of Graduation Diploma of Associate’s via provision of services to public and private sections in the fields of monetary. Providing educational opportunities for the youth of Kurdistan Region to serve the country and promote the institutions of the performance of work and the region.              

Accounting is the language of business, and in the developed world it plays a major and decisive role in communicating financial information to all section of society. Based on this science, various sections of society can make correct decisions on economic matters. The student’s task after completing this department is to prepare, classify and present a lest and financial information of the economic institutions belonging to the private or public sector in which the student works to the managers of these institutions so that they can make sound economic decisions. The alumni can receive the title of accountant, cashier, treasurer or auditor, and so on.

Head of the Department:

Name: Othman Rasul Musa Hawez

Degree: MSc. 
