
        This Department was established in the 2005-2006. The department of protected agriculture is the only department in the overall Kurdistan region/ Iraq that give technical diploma certificate to graduates. In this department, students will receive advanced technologies about the production of agricultural products such as, vegetables and different types of fruits grown under plastic houses in order to improve and increase the production of ornamental plants in advanced ways by vertical induction.

The role of this department in the market is to produce and supply the markets with vegetables and some fruits cultivated under greenhouses and provide employment opportunities for agricultural staff in agricultural projects for protected houses. On the other hand, graduates of this department can benefit society by increasing production and providing markets with some vegetables and clean fruits planted under protected houses in local markets, free of diseases and insects, non-use of chemicals and vegetative growth organizations harmful to health and pollution of the environment, providing employment opportunities for agricultural staff in the private sector.

  1. Producing qualified personnel which is specialized in the area of a protected room such as plastic houses and glass houses which is an advanced technology in the production of agricultural crops and this concerns the production and invention of protected rooms projects.
  2. Graduates of this department will be qualified in the invention and management of fundamental agricultural works of the protected rooms and production of the agricultural products in these advanced methods.
  3. Graduates of this department will be qualified in breeding and providing a suitable environment for producing agricultural products in the protected rooms to increase agricultural products in advanced methods.
Undergraduate studies:

A graduate of this department obtains a technical diploma certificate in the field of protected agriculture which qualifies him/her to work in the Ministry of Agriculture and agricultural directorates and research stations or in the private sector, such as projects for the construction and management of greenhouses.

It is recommended that the accepted student in this department has experience in the field of agriculture in general and the sons of farmers and graduates of agricultural economics.