Digital Media Effects on Society Security Under Domestic and International Laws
“Digital Media Effects on Society Security under Domestic and International Laws”; is the title of the Second Joint International Scientific Conference of Technical Department of the Media in the Technical College of Administration at the Sulaimani Polytechnic University , along with Law and International Relation Departments in the Faculty of Law at the Knowledge University . Its aim is to discuss media and legal issues and attracting the attention of the public opinion and researchers to identify the causes of the problems and find proper solutions for them and make it an action roadmap for the legislative, executive and judicial authorities. This joint conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday (27 and 28 April 2024) in the Conference Hall of the Knowledge University in Erbil and it is an extension of the First Scientific Conference on Media and National Issues in 2019, which was held by Sulaimani Polytechnic University in Titanic Hotel Hall in Sulaimani. https://www.dmedialaw24.spu.edu.iq/home