Asst Lecturer Sarkhel Sirwan at CDC stated,faculty staff of Mechanical Department in our colleges and institutes are trying to recruit graduates of their departments in the oil refineries. Lecturer Pshtewan Mohamed Karim ,Dr.Basim Ali Dzayee and Dr.Sarkawt Rostem Hassan have …
Applications for 2017/2018 Chevening Scholarships are open between 12:00 GMT on 8 August 2016 and 12:00 BST on 8 November 2016 (both midday UK time). To Apply click here More Info about how to apply and required docs click here
SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERED BY THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT TO FOREIGN STUDENTS – ACADEMIC YEAR 2016-2017 The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation offers 54 monthly instalments of scholarships (820 euro per month) to Iraqi citizens who wish to pursue University and …
On 7th of March 2016, Mr.Jamal kakbra the IT Director and Director of Statistics Department, Mr.Hemin Mhyddin Karem participated in a workshop for KRG National University Ranking in the Ministry of Higher Education. Mr. Jamal Kakbra stated the importance of …
Dr. Rozhen Kamal Mohammed-Amin from SPU was recently invited to speak at the “History and Architectural Heritage of Sulaimani” panel held at the University of Sulaimani (UoS). The panel aimed at promoting and bringing awareness to the rich architectural heritage …
Voluntary/ part time work (given pocket money) for SPU students to work with teenagers between 12-18 years old, as supervisors for the teenagers in field of Art, technic, sociology, & Education, you will take a course of training on 27th …
Dr.Yahya Omer Reshawy,a Professor of media Section in the Technical College of Administration organized a training session on the media of environment for four days to 44 governmental employees from Sulaimani,Erbil,Garmyan and Duhok governorates in High Crest Hotel in Sulaimani, …
The International Conference on Urban Slums Towards Upgrading and Sustainable Urban Regeneration to be held at the University of Kurdistan, Sanadaj (I.R.Iran) on 4-5 May, 2016. Further information can be obtained by referring to the following website: or
Applications for Türkiye Scholarships will be received by 29 February-31 March 2016. The application to Türkiye Scholarships programmes is online and totally free process. Applications delivered by hand or post will not be evaluated. The Scholarship Covers… Monthly stipend (600 …
Scholarship Program – European Forum Alpbach The European Forum Alpbach (EFA), one of the most renowned academic platforms in Europe and the Representation of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Austria invites students from the Kurdistan Region-Iraq to apply for one …