On 2 March 2022, the Career Development Centre (CDC) of SPU held a workshop at Sulaimaniyah Polytechnic University on leadership skills for the technical college students at the Chwarchra campus. The workshop covered a wide range of topics such as …
On March 2nd and 3rd, 2022, A joint workshop entitled “Social Cohesion and Disability Inclusion Awareness” was held by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Sulaimani Polytechnic University’s Digital Cultural Heritage Research Center, Nahrein Network, and UKAID to raise awareness …
As an opportunity for providing a calm environment for the lecturers and staff of SPU, under the supervision of the president of SPU, Professor Dr. Alan Faraiwn Ali, a new futsal league was formed. As usual, the league was organized …
On Monday, 28 February 2022, with the attendance of many officials, lecturers, and staff of SPU, with the support of Chamk for Kurdish Media Observation Organization, a forum for the great Kurdish artist Mazhar Khaliqi at the Nali Hall at …
On 27 February 2022, with the presence of Professor Dr. Alan Faraidun Ali Amin, the president of SPU, Azad Muhammad, the head of Sulaimani Provincial Council, and Professor Dr. Soran Abubakr, vice-president for scientific affairs, several tourism experts, and university …
To provide more job opportunities for the students and make a good connection with the work market, a workshop was run on 27 February 2022 in the Seminar Hall of the Chwarchra campus. The workshop was organized cooperatively between CDC …
On 2 February 2022, with the attendance of many experts from different universities and companies in Kurdistan, Sulaimani Polytechnic University and Komar University of Science and technology cooperatively organized a workshop on “Developing the role of companies for producing oil …
To build a strong relationship and cooperate in implementing joint scientific projects, Sulaimani Polytechnic University and Diyala University signed an agreement at 10.30 am Thursday, February 24, 2022, at Piramerd Hall of the presidency of SPU, with the presence of …
On 23 February 2022, at the Titanic Hotel in Sulaymaniyah, with the attendance of the president of the Sulaymaniyah governor Dr. Haval Abubakir and the president of SPU professor Dr. Alan Faraidwn and many lecturers and foreigner expertise, a symposium …
Within the activities of the symposium on “the effects of drugs on the public and community” that was organized by CDO and SPU and was run on the 23rd-Feb-2022 in Sulimanya, several experts participated in the organized panels to show …