20 November

The Third Round of Capacity Building for Students and Graduates of Universities and Institutes in the Field of ICT and Cybersecurity has Successfully Conducted

SPU Cisco Networking Academy/ Chawarchra Campus in Technical College of Engineering, in collaboration with Meridian International Center and Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. State Department, conducted a training course. This course, conducted for the third time, …

20 November

The Director of the Language Center of Sulaimani Polytechnic University was Designated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to participate as one of the trainers to open a course on the basic principles, methods and types of English language testing and assessment.

Dr. Hogar Tofiq, Director of Language Center of Sulaimani Polytechnic University, said that on the recommendation of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (58) teachers from Kurdistan universities participated in a training course to transfer experience and expertise, …