A Committee of Dean and Teachers of Bakrajo Technical Institute Visited Universities in Germany
Under the supervision of Professor Dr. Hoshyar Abdullah Aziz, President of Sulaimani Polytechnic University, in the continuation of the work and activities of the Scientific Coordination and Relations Committee of the Institute, on the official invitation of several German universities, and in order to exchange science and establish relations between Sulaimani Polytechnic University and universities abroad, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Raza, Dean of the Institute and teachers of the Institute, Miss. Evin Aladdin, Mr. Goran Salam and Miss. Nyan Jalal, visited (Weihenstephan- Triesdorf University). During the visit, the President of the University; Professor Schlauder Ralph, warmly welcomed them and appreciated their visit.
The visit lasted three days, and it was held on 3-6-2024. During their visit, the committee visited the classrooms, laboratories and experimental units of the university and then presented a seminar on the introduction of Sulaimani Polytechnic University in the Kurdistan Region.