We offer a range of certificate programs including, CISCO, IT Essentials. We also offer short-courses on Web Development, and Project Management. Tailor-made courses are offered to meet the needs of the support and administrative staff of particular company or organisation. …
SPU International Conference In Collaboration with UHD & KISSR From Monday, June 29, 2015 To Wednesday, December 09, 2015 Sulaimani Polytechnic University ,University of Human Development and KISSR preparing for the 3rd Scientific International Conference titled “Science and Modern Society …
Internet and computing Internet is considered as the core facility of our university. All of our colleges and institutes are supplied with computer and internet labs equipping with reasonable amount of computers and internet in order for the students to …
This will inquire the performance of the academic quality assurance components throughout the universities and institutions belonging to SPU. The Quality Assurance components are executed directly from the colleges and institutions. The process of quality assurance involves teachers’ continuous academic …
Postgraduate education involves learning and studying for degrees or other qualifications for which a first or Bachelor’s degree generally is required, and is normally considered to be part of tertiary or higher education. The organisation and structure of postgraduate education …
Undergraduate education is an education level studied prior to gaining a first degree. Hence, in many educational systems, undergraduate education is a post-secondary education up to the level of a Technical Diploma (after a two-year study course in technical institutes) …
Developing the teaching quality assurance in all the universities and institutions is one of the most important strategies of the ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. It is considered to be a fairly new project compared to the other …
Responsibilities: · Executing the lecturers and employee’s documents with regards to forming up delegations in order to participate in conferences, conducting researches, training courses, exchanging information and official visits. · Consolidating the relationships with …
Guidelines to Obtain a Ph.D. with split-site Program First : Steps required before the announcement of academic seats: The supervisor should write a detailed proposal and submit it to the competent scientific committee containing the following details: 1.Title of the …
Assist Prof Dr.Soran Saeed Vice President for Scientific affairs The Vice presidency for academic affairs provides advice and leadership to the faculty members and directors and heads of units related to the academic functions of the university including introduction of …