

Internet and computing

Internet is considered as the core facility of our university. All of our colleges and institutes are supplied with computer and internet labs equipping with reasonable amount of computers and internet in order for the students to use them for both research and personal purposes.



Along side with the educational process, we consider sport to be equally important for our students; thus, all of our colleges and institutes have at least one football pitch or tennis and basketball courts. To encourage our students even more, annually there are all different kinds of sports including (football, table tennis and chess) competitions both among the departments of one university and the other universities belonging to SPU



Slemani Polytechnic University has different campuses around the Slemani Province; most of which are government owned and others are rented from the private sectors. All of the colleges and institutes have their own accommodation buildings owned by the government. As far as dormitories are concerned, those students who live outside the Slemani province are provided with free of charge housing. In addition to receiving accommodations, the students are given a monthly allowance..



Our University believes in Acting Green rather than Thinking Green. To cut down on the use of paper sheets, we are planning to establish a modern way of communication among the students and the teaching staff through emails and other modern media. Since our university is a technical university, we have different technical departments such as College of Informatics, Technical Colleges and Computer Science Institute that consider e-learning with all its forms as essential tools for teaching..

The Library of Sulaimani Polytechnic University offers a wide-ranging study environment for students and staff, and provides access to a wealth of information and physical books as well as E-resources: Journals and Articles to help students for their research and dissertation.

Website of the E-learning Platform