01 February

Database Technology Department

Database Technology Department Job Description Database technology is a field of study that focuses on database administration, programming, development and maintenance. Bachelor’s level degree program in database technology provides exceptional technical training and knowledge to individuals seeking a highly rewarding …

01 February

Agricultural Extension

  :1. Abstract about the department Department of Agricultural Extension belongs to Technical Institute of Bakrajo.The study in it is two calendar years. Historical summery about the department: Department of Agricultural Extension was established in the study season 2009-2010 under …

24 January

Sulaimani Polytechnic University organized a workshop entitled Sulaimani Resilience Planning to provide better services for the,Refugees , Internal Displaced People as well as the Host Community.

Sulaimani Polytechnic University in response to the request of the Sulaimani Governorate and their support, and in coordination with the UNDP and their financial, technical Support organized a workshop at the Shari Jwan Hotel, the workshop entitled (Sulaimani Resilience Planning),and …