1st International Conference on Engineering and Computing (ICEC2017) 22-24 August,2017-Slemani-Iraq We We’d like to invite you to submit your papers for the 1st International Conference on Engineering and Computing (ICEC2017). The conference will be held on 22-24 August, 2017 in Slemani, Kurdistan, Iraq by …
The presidents of the SPU and five universities of Turkey and the sixth Cyprus stressed the need to cooperate in various fields of science and training to promote their common interest, and to strengthen the friendly relations between the people …
Invitation to participate in the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Outstanding Educational Performance The presidency of Sulaimani Polytechnic University invites its faculty members and researchers to apply for the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Distinguished Educational …
1st International Conference on Engineering and Computing (ICEC2017) 22-24 August,2017-Slemani-Iraq We We’d like to invite you to submit your papers for the 1st International Conference on Engineering and Computing (ICEC2017). The conference will be held on 22-24 August, 2017 in Slemani, Kurdistan, Iraq by …
Sulaimani Polytechnic University announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Iranian University of Elam, indicating that it focuses on joint cooperation and exchange of experiences, especially in the field of oil and energy. This came during a …
Sulaimani Polytechnic University announced its agreement with the Petroleum Training Institute in Basra to enhance their joint cooperation, indicating that this came with the blessing of the Federal Oil Ministries, Higher Education and Scientific Research of Kurdistan and the result …
Biennial awards for internationally acclaimed scientists and scholars Nominations are now being accepted for the prestigious Heineken Prizes 2018. The deadline for nominations is 15 October 2017. These international prizes, worth $ 200,000 each, reward outstanding achievement in the fields …
Under the patronage of H.E. Sheikha Lubna Bint Khalid Al Qasimi (Minister of State for Tolerance – President of Zayed University), chaired by Prof.Dr. Maha Barakat (Director General – Abu Dhabi Health Authority) the 4th Middle East Molecular Biology Congress …
The Technical College of Applied Sciences of the Sulaimani Polytechnic University celebrated the granting of the first master’s degree in the field of horticulture and field crops, at the end of May 2017, related to the cultivation of two types …
Sulaimani Polytechnic University organizes the 1st international conference on engineering and computing in the mid of August 2017 in partnership with Cihan University/Sulaimani. The Vice President for Scientific Affairs Dr.Soran Saeed said, SPU intends to hold a specialized conference covering …