Invitation to participate in the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for …
Invitation to participate in the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Outstanding Educational Performance
The presidency of Sulaimani Polytechnic University invites its faculty members and researchers to apply for the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Distinguished Educational Performance for outstanding educational research. The organizing committee receives the research directly by mid-November. Details of the prize and mailing address are given in the letter below.
Guide of Educational Research Award at the level of the Arab World
Session 20
Our vision
Leadership in excellence in educational performance and giftedness
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Outstanding Educational Performance
We wish you success
Based on the objectives of the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for outstanding educational performance, the discovery of distinguished individuals and successful pedagogical practices, the introduction and dissemination of practices among educational stakeholders, And successful educational practices locally, regionally and globally; the award launches the “Outstanding Educational Research Contest”; to encourage Arab educational researchers to enrich the Arab educational library, enrich educational practices and To discover and bring it to others, with the aim of providing better learning opportunities for the people of the Arab world as a whole.
Through the launch of the educational research competition at the level of the Arab world, the prize seeks to free the potential of educators by creating a competitive environment that is capable of educating researchers in the field of education and teaching them the best of their knowledge and educational skills according to the global standards.
On this occasion, the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Outstanding Educational Performance invites Arab citizens and residents who work in the educational field who are interested in educational research to participate in this competition which are based on the following basic premises:
*Educational research is a basic pillar for providing better learning services for the children of the Arab world.
* Interest in educational research enriches educational work.
*The discovery and dissemination of successful educational practices among the concerned helps to revitalize the educational movement in the field of education, addressing educational problems and putting them within their proper framework is effectively represented in improving and achieving educational outcomes at the level of the Arab world.
*- Discovering and introducing researchers to the educational community, activating them, and elevating them, which motivates them to give more.
Definition of educational research
Educational research is a process of systematic inquiry, to study a problem or an educational phenomenon related to the teaching and learning processes with a view to understanding the problem or phenomenon and the factors causing it, and to develop appropriate strategies or recommendations in this regard.
Targeted research
This award aims at all outstanding educational research (applied or otherwise) characterized by scientific origin, which can benefit the staff in the field of education through the results, recommendations, methods and procedures provided by this research. It also aims at research that documenting educational experiences in the field Educational process on a large scale, leading to a qualitative shift in the teaching and learning processes.
Distinguished surveying that collects data to test hypotheses or questions related to a particular subject or issue that benefits the field of education, using questionnaires, trends, trends and opinion measures, may be cross-sectional studies or longitudinal studies, as well as interrelated research, , Trajectory research, etc., as well as comparative causal research, which examine the relationships between experimental and quasi-experimental research, as well as research and research and analysis of forum analysis.
Targeted Researchers
A researcher or a group of educational researchers working in the field of education, such as teacher, school principal, social worker, psychologist or university professor.
Objectives of the best educational research at the level of the Arab world
Encouraging and educating educational researchers working in the field of education in the Arab world.
Encouraging educational researchers from the Arab countries and residents to produce distinctive works that serve Educational process.
To discover and disseminate successful educational practices, and to address educational problems in order to focus and make recommendations thereon.
To enrich the educational field with successful educational experiences.
Sponsorship of creative and talented people in the field of educational research
The prize
The Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Outstanding Educational Performance awards four prizes annually, each of which is valued at US $ 20,000 or its equivalent per winner, as well as a trophy and certificate that will be delivered at an official ceremony at the annual closing ceremony. The winning research is published in a specialized journal issued by the award.
Subscription Terms
First: Conditions related to researchers:
The researcher must be a citizen of an Arab country.
The researcher may not participate in more than one research as a head researcher.
The researcher may participate in the prize annually if he has not won in the last two sessions.
The researcher should be one of those working in the field of education, or a participant in the field educational level.
The researcher commit to making the amendments that the arbitrators may recommend in the event of his nomination to win the award.
The researcher should submit an acknowledgment of his / her waiver of the intellectual rights of the research for the Award, and authorizing it to publish and evaluate it in case of winning the prize search.
The winner of the Educational Research Award at the level of the Arab World is not entitled to apply for the prize
Second: Conditions related to research:
The researcher must adhere to the scientific approach recognized in Arab research.
The research should provide a unique experience that may contribute to providing solutions or recommendations that benefit the educational field.
The researcher should submit five printed copies of his research, accompanied by an electronic copy in Flash Memory
The search should be between 25-30 pages (A4) and not more than the size of the font Arabic14. This includes search supplements.
The researcher should follow the scientific documentation procedures known according to the APA method.
The research should be written in standard Arabic, and if the research is submitted in another language, it must be accompanied by it a summary in standard Arabic.
The research should be free of all typographical, linguistic, spelling and other errors.
The researcher should assume professional and moral responsibility towards others if his research is accepted and published by the award management.
The research submitted should not be directly or indirectly derived from the MA thesis PhD.
The research has not been awarded a prize or other degree, and has not been published or presented at a conference, seminar, competition or any other party.
The research should include recommendations for scientific and practical benefit.
The references are properly documented and that the scientific use of the margins is taken into account.
The researcher’s personal data should be limited to the first page of the search and should not return such data inside the search board.
The winning research is the property of the award and is entitled to act on it.
Withdrawing the prize
The prize shall be withdrawn from the winner if it becomes apparent that the winning research is derived from a scientific thesis or received a previous award, or the work of the researcher. Shall not have been published or presented at a conference, symposium, precedent or any other party,
The prize is entitled to pursue the researcher legally to recover the financial and moral value that he has won.
Criteria for evaluating the best educational research at the level of the Arab world.
1. Address:
– A brief and express the purpose of the research and the target (stage / educational stages).
– Focuses on a specific educational subject rather than a general topic.
2. Summary:
– No more than 250 words.
– Starts by specifying the purpose of the research.
– Describes the sample of the research personnel.
– Explain what the sample members did.
– Includes an intensive summary of the most important results.
3 – Research Title:
– The idea of new research is not repeated or consumed in Arab and foreign research.
– The real problem addresses the issue worthy of study.
4 – Review previous studies:
– Recent (published during the past ten years)
– Published in refereed scientific journals.
– directly related to the subject matter.
– To be linked to the subject of research.
– Clarifying the role and impact of monitoring previous research studies.
5. Theoretical framework:
– Clarifies the theoretical background of research clearly.
– Provides a clear justification for the research problem.
– written in a clear intellectual curriculum.
– Linked to the subject.
– The researcher’s vision and personality are evident
6 – Research objectives, problem and questions:
– The objectives of the research are clear and directly related.
– The problem of research is clearly defined and provides the reader with compelling reasons to do research.
– The research questions are designed in accordance with the problem.
– Research hypotheses (if any) are carefully formulated and consistent with the problem of research and questions.
7 – The importance of research:
– Research scientific addition to the field of education.
– It has a scientific value for its target.
– The research leads to a qualitative shift or a clear contribution to the outputs of the educational field.
– opens the way for further research.
– Contributes to raising awareness of the subject of research.
– Offers a useful research experience.
8. Method and procedures:
– Consistent with the research objectives, questions and responsibilities.
– Consistent with the methodology used (descriptive, experimental / semi-empirical, historical, associative, etc.)
– Statistical method agreement with the methodology used.
– Present the study procedures clearly.
– Describe the sample accurately and explain how to select it.
– Describe data collection tools clearly and confirm the validity and consistency of research.
– The relevance, accuracy and consistency of statistical analyzes (if any) with research hypotheses and methodology.
9. Results:
– Display results in a clear way.
– Answer questions, test hypotheses (if any)
– The statistical processing (if any) should be sufficient and appropriate for the study methodology.
10. Discussion and interpretation:
– Interpretation and discussion of the results in depth and comprehensive.
– The results are interpreted and discussed in the light of previous studies.
– Explain and discuss the results in an analytical scientific way.
– Provide questionnaires and applications that affect the search results.
11. Recommendations:
– Recommendations should be practical and feasible.
– Recommendations should be related to research results.
– The recommendations should not be general but specific and directed.
12. References and Annexes:
– Commitment to the authentication method used in the award, which is the documentation according to (APA)
– Includes all research received in Metn.
– Recent and comprehensive references to the latest research-related topics
– Search tools, such as tests, questionnaires, or formal quota and correspondence forms, are marked with a note in the end of the research
Submission of the prize
Directly to the Award Manager by courier or e-mail accompanied by: The search is sent as follows
– Five copies of the research submitted to the award and an electronic version of Memory Flash.
– CV of the applicant.
– A declaration not to publish the research or receive another award and that it is not part of a university thesis (Master or Ph.D.
for example(.
– Three color photographs of the candidate (optional) size 6 × 4 cm and an electronic image in Flash
Memory and have a white background, high quality and not scanned, and JPG format.
– Candidate’s mailing address, phone number and e-mail address.
Candidates are directed to:
Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Outstanding Educational Performance. Dubai, PO Box 88088
State of United Arab Emirates.
Tel: +971 45013333
Fax: + 97145013300
Edu.Researches@ha.ae: Electronic Mail
Schedule of research arbitration stages
Stage One:
The Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award will immediately receive the research for Distinguished Academic Performance at a later date Mid-November of each year.
The second phase:
Research will be sent to arbitration by mid-December of each year.
third level:
The results of the arbitration shall be received by the arbitrators by mid-January of the following year.
The fourth stage:
The report shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees of the Award by mid-February.
level five:
The Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award will be announced by March mid-March.
Arbitration mechanism
Each research shall be sent to three arbitrators at the level of the Arab World provided that none of the arbitrators shall be from the country of the applicant. Each arbitrator shall be required to complete the arbitration process within a period not exceeding one month from the date of receipt of the arbitration file.