Technical College of Applied Science awarded the first master’s degree in the field of horticulture and field crops
The Technical College of Applied Sciences of the Sulaimani Polytechnic University celebrated the granting of the first master’s degree in the field of horticulture and field crops, at the end of May 2017, related to the cultivation of two types of Habat Al Baraka in the Kurdistan Region.
On 27 May 2017, Bakhtiar Saadi Ghafour’s master thesis on gardening and field crops – medicinal and aromatic plants – was discussed in the Department of Agricultural Production of the Faculty, on the cultivation of two types of Nigella sativa, Nigella arvensis and growing them at different times of the spring And Autumn in the province of Halabja province of Kurdistan, and was awarded a master’s degree.
The researcher, Ghafoor, has tested the two types of Habat Al Baraka by planting them at four different times in the spring of 2015, and another five types in Autumn of 2016, and reached the best times to cultivate the Habat Al Baraka in Halabja province, and determine the percentage of some chemical components in both types.