Sulaimani Polytechnic University organizes 1st International Conference on Engineering & Computing in August 2017
Sulaimani Polytechnic University organizes the 1st international conference on engineering and computing in the mid of August 2017 in partnership with Cihan University/Sulaimani.
The Vice President for Scientific Affairs Dr.Soran Saeed said, SPU intends to hold a specialized conference covering the various topics of engineering, communication and information technologies for the period from 15 to 17 August 2017 in partnership with Cihan University in Sulaimani, noting that the conference will be held within the framework of the university’s keenness to improve the capabilities of its staff and encourage them to follow the global developments in their fields of specialization and to absorb the outputs of their research activity and identify them as well as encourage them to exchange experiences with their Kurdish, Iraqis and international peers.
Dr. Soran Saeed the president of the scientific committee of the conference at the same time said, the conference will cover various aspects of engineering, communications, mechanics, electricity, electronics, architecture, mechatronics, oil and energy, production, minerals and cities.
It also covers “information aspects related to artificial intelligence, messaging networks, e-government, engineering software and design”.
He added, the university invited scholars from several countries such as Germany, Malaysia, Turkey, Cyprus and Iran to participate in the conference and that they welcome the participation of specialists from the rest of the Kurdistan and Iraqi universities ,and they can send the summery of their researches to the Scientific Committee of the Conference through :
The Email icec@spu.edu.iq or the website of the conference icec2017.com , to be evaluated and select the most appropriate research of them and to ask their owners to submit their research in full text by the first of next August. “