An event for introduction and distribution of ‘Kurdish future book’ was held
With the attendance of the president of the SulimaniPolytechnic University/ SPU, Dr. Alan Faraidwn and Dr. Raza Ali Amin, the president of the Sulimani University, and other teachers and intellectual figures, an event for introduction and distribution of ‘Kurdish future book’ washeld.
Dr. Alan Faraidwn, the president of the SPU expressed his own feeling happily that such kind of event is being held for such great aim alongside the partnership of theUniversity of Sulimani and he also announced that his university played a great role to open such evens for the international seminars on the historical subjects.
Then, Kozad Ahmad explained the details of the book and gave out to the audience. The book has been published in Kurdish, Arabic and English with 595 pages and different colors.