
Workshop & a debate held on ‘How Students write and organize final study report’

10 Feb 2021, Piramerd hall,

Sulaimani Polytechnic University

The workshop aimed at enabling university students to write the final report which is required by universities for obtaining the degree. The workshop was attended by Assist. Professor ‘Dr. Alan faraidon Ali’ the president of Sulaimani Polytechnic University, the vice-president for Scientific Affairs & Postgraduate studies, the vice-president for Administration & Finance, and several SPU teaching staff and researchers. Burhan Ali Mohammed, a lecturer at Darbandikhan Technical Institute, delivered the workshop in Piramerd Hall in the presidency building, and the event had been organized by the Economy Group at SPU Research Centre.

The presenter shed some light on the issue that most students, particularly after Pandemic, have not written their final reports by themselves. They have paid to have their reports written by someone else. The subject matter was further elaborated by showing the results from a survey completed by university teachers, students, and people in the market. The majority of the respondents believed that students have not written their reports on their own. The presenter then suggested some steps and attempts that can be made by universities to sort this issue out.

The second part of this academic event was a debate conducted by four University Lecturers. During the debate, the issue was discussed and solutions were suggested by the experts in order to find certain mechanisms for universities to be able to tackle the problem.