the 5th Middle East Molecular Biology Congress and Exhibition 2018
We are so delighted to announce the 5th Middle East Molecular Biology Congress and Exhibition under the patronage of HRH Princess Sumaya Bint El-Hassan at King Hussein bin Talal Convention Centre – Dead Sea from 3 to 6 Oct 2018.
The theme of this year congress is: Translational Medicine”from laboratory discoveries to clinical practice”. The choice was to highlight the role of molecular biology and genetics in clinical processes.
All submitted papers are going to be peer reviewed by 2-3 experts. All accepted papers are going to be included in the conference proceeding, and selected papers with great potential impact are going to be submitted for publication in a Scopus Indexed Journal: Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences (JJBS).
JJBS is issued and supported by Higher Scientific Research Committee at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and expected to be indexed soon in Thomson Reuters Web of Science CPCI.
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