
A Workshop is Conducted Regarding “LPG for Welfare and Preventive Measures”

To better use LPG and dispel fear and anxiety among citizens and show all the research on the importance of this subject, while all systems used according to scientific standards and procedures, as a national duty and more service to citizens, the Technical College of Engineering of Sulaimani Polytechnic University will conduct a workshop (LPG for Welfare and Preventive Measures) for two days. Today, Sunday, 27th of November 2022 in the hall of Piramerd in the presidency of Sulaimani Polytechnic University, a workshop is held entitled (LPG for Welfare and Preventive Measures) for two days, under the supervision and presence of Dr. Aram Mohammed Qadir, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and under the supervision of Assistant Prof. (Dr. Hoshyar Abdulla Aziz) the University president, the Kurdistan Parliament representatives, Sulaimani Provincial Council Speaker, Sulaimani Civil Defense Director General, a significant number of specialized government officials, businessmen, Chamber of Commerce in Sulaimani Province, university teachers and researchers. The workshop began at 10:30am with a moment of silence for the souls of the Kurdistan martyrs. First, Dr. Atta Sheikh Karim, the Dean of Technical College of Engineering of Sulaimani Polytechnic University delivered a welcoming speech and explained the importance of the topic to the participants that their college in terms of responsibility has felt the gap in the field of liquefied gas and wants to serve the citizens through this scientific workshop. He also thanked the President of Sulaimani Polytechnic University and the Minister of Higher Education for their concern for the issue and on their recommendation to conduct this workshop. Moreover, he asked the relevant parties, the government, and the private sector to stay with them on the second day of the workshop to present some important recommendations to the government through the committees of the workshop. Asst. Prof. Dr. Hoshyar Abdullah Aziz, the President of Sulaimani Polytechnic University, said that in the past, unfortunately, gas system explosions occurred in Sulaimani and Duhok, which caused the death of several citizens and injured others. He also said that the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) system is a global system and is used in most countries according to different techniques and systems. This is what has created great fear in everyone’s hearts and forced the Kurdistan Regional Government to stop working with this system. Moreover, he mentioned that; we believe that the university is not only responsible for admitting students, graduating, and awarding certificates, but also the events of society, the future of society, its analysis, academicization and identification. It is a sacred duty of universities and academics, we must fulfill our duty and role, and in return pave the way for them and support university experts in different fields. At the end of his speech, the President of Sulaimani Polytechnic University hoped that the recommendations of this workshop will be taken into consideration by the relevant parties and work on them. Then, Dr. Aram Mohammed Qadir, the Minster of Higher Education and Scientific Research described the workshop as a very important step, especially at this time when LPG is seen as bomb, but the role of the universities and this scientific activity is to work scientifically to systematize produce and use the gas safety without any fear and anxiety. In his speech, the Minster of Higher Education and Scientific Research, called on scientists and academics to play their role in reducing or eliminating the problems of society through the sciences that they have because the use of liquefied gas is one of the energy sources secretaries should be organized to provide safe service to citizens. Finally, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research wished success to the workshop and said that they will work on the recommendations of this workshop with the relevant parties with all his support and the ministry. He expressed the need for a scientific solution to the current problem. He hoped that in the future scientific activities will be for happiness and prosperity and promote progress in the Kurdistan Region. Then the first day of the workshop began and serval seminars were presented. The recommendations were then voted on by the participants through the scientific committee of the workshop and submitted to the Kurdistan Regional Government in a press conference. After a series of seminars and two days, the workshop (LPG for welfare and preventive measures) ended at 4:30 in a press conference in the hall of Piramird in the Presidency of Sulaimani Polytechnic University.