Sulaimani Polytechnic University Employs Information Technology to Walk its Financial Affairs
SPU announced its intention to apply a new system in its financial transactions based on information technology, stressing that it aims to raise the efficiency of performance and rationalize expenses and reduce slack career .Vice President for Administration and Financial Affairs, Dr.Dana said the implementation of the new system is the implementation of directions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Kurdistan, noting that it is a starting point to address financial problems and rationalize expenses and reduce slackness and routine.
During the workshop that held in SPU Cultural Center and lasted for 4 hours organized by the University on Sunday, October 1, 2017, Dr.Dana Ahmed added that the new system includes the use of information technology in facilitating financial transactions between the Ministry and the University on one hand and the university and its sections on the other hand.
Ms.Sharo Awat The Finance Director stated that the new system aims at changing the current accounting system and implementing the instructions of the ministry No. 22 of 2017, in order to develop the public sector and reformulate the structure of the financial and accounting units according to the new standards, taking into consideration the financial and economic situation of the region, indicating that the ministry’s instructions include the need to re-structure the structure of accounting units to ensure that the presidency of the university is one unit.
According to Ms.Sharo, the presidency of the university formed a technical committee to reformulate the structure of the accounting units and provide suggestions and present options for decision from the Higher Committee to reformulate the structure of accounting units at the university and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Kurdistan.
The President of the SPU Dr.Alan Faraidoon Ali the implementation of the new system is an additional development step in the university’s progress, which has achieved many achievements to improve its level and ensure its performance during the past period. He added that the information technology can contribute to increasing the efficiency of performance in general and financial in particular in terms of speed, accuracy and real-time interaction.
He stressed that the presidency of the university will be a major center for the financial organization of its formations of colleges and institutes, clarifying that the formation of a higher committee headed by the Director of Finance in the presidency of the university will be responsible for the total imports of the university.
The workshop was attended by the vice president of scientific Affairs Dr. Soran Saeed and postgraduate studies as well as deans of colleges and institutes of the university and financial managers of the other sections of the university.