Organizing a Panel on the future of Print Media in Kurdistan
On 17th of July 2016, with the participation of Dr.Hakim Osman Dean of Technical College of Administration and Engineering, and Drevan Abdulkader / Head of Technical Media, and the responsible of Information sections, a Germanic organization organized a panel on the future of print media in Kurdistan.
Director of the Organization of Germany Academic Media Mr.Dana Asaad stated, we have recognized that Kurdistan print Media in general is in crisis ,at the same time the electronic media wasn’t able to achieve any progress or to be in parallel with the multimedia of Europe and America, thus we would like to take this opportunity to open a discussion through this panel between the Kurdistan journalists and Germanic Journalists whom we have invited to let them support electronic Media of Kurdistan since they are specialist in this field.
He added, if we compare Kurdish media with the media of the regions, we would find that Kurdistan is much more developed than Iraqi Media, though financial crises affected media in Kurdistan in a way that the agencies were not able to get income and provide markets for their product.