General Director of the British Council stated, the language center of SPU scored a remarkable progress
General Director of the British Council in Kurdistan Region and the Deputy Director General of the British Council in Iraq visited Sulaimani Polytechnic University to discuss the clauses of the agreement signed between the two parties.
On 3rd of May 2016, Dr.Soran Seed vice president of SPU and lecturer Hoger Mohamed Towfiq Head of Language Center in the SPU received David Pardoy, General Director of the British Council in Kurdistan Region and the Deputy Director General of the British Council in Iraq as well as the British security advisor visited the presidency of the SPU and held a meeting .
During the meeting they talked about the conducting of the IELTS exam in SPU for Sulaimani and the surrounding areas, and they emphasized on joint management of language courses through on line or class attending which is being implemented in the current time Aptis exam of British Council.
Then the delegates visited the location of the center to be aware of the facilities and requirements provided for the center.
After visiting the location David Pardo stated that he was pleased to see the improvement that the center achieved in term of furniture, facilities and requirement of the halls, especially IELTS examination hall ,though there were some small belonging that should work on improving them.
And finally he hoped that number of those who interested in learning English language reach thousands of people and also wished that people who took courses in the center got benefit from the programs they received.