Assist prof.Dr.Hoshyar Qadir Rasul participated in Salahadeen International Conference with a Research entitled (Technology and Contemporary Local Architecture)
Assist Prof.Dr.Hoshyar Qadir, Professor at Cities and Regions planning Department –Engineering College at SPU has participated in the first international conference in Erbil and presented his research (Technology and contemporary Local Architecture) the conference lasted for two days and started on 12th of April,
Dr.Hoshyar intended to deliver the concept of ability of transferring technology through investment projects and the effect of this process on the development of architecture and changing the shape of it in our region, which led us to ask, have we reached that level of architecture called innovative technology?
In fact these were two important questions that the researcher answered in his research, firstly none of the investment projects that have been implemented in our region has changed the form of architecture in our region although they have added modernity to the city which is considered to be a development in this field and the reason of this goes to the system of sponsoring the projects, their goals is to show Personal capabilities and show self unlike the projects sponsored by the public sector which is trying to show and revive the cultural, humanitarian and personal values of Kurdish society
It is worth to mention that Assist Prof Dr.Hoshyar is a professor at Cities and Regions planning Department –Engineering College at Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Who has a bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Baghdad in the architecture and planning of cities and regions, advisor and member of the Kurdistan Syndicate of Engineers and association of Kurdistan academy as well as Gata organization and national organization for planning and heritage architecture and supervised many of master’s and PhDs,and he discusses constantly Masters and PhDs as chairman or member of the Committee.