A Cooperation Agreement Signed Between Sulaimani Polytechnic University And The British
In the attendance of vice president of SPU, and professors of English language Center, Dr.Alan F. Ali received Mr.David Pardoe Director of British Council, who visited the presidency of SPU on Sunday 15/11/2015, through a meeting they hold, they talked about the important of improving the academic and cultural relations between both sides within the framework of the consolidation of the historical relations between the two friendly people.
On the afternoon of the same day and in the Sulaimani Saray (a historical building of Sulaimani), both Dr.Alan and Mr.David visited a photographic exhibition organized by students of Media Department at Technical College of Administration on the occasion of anniversary of the foundation of Sulaimani City , and later on an important agreement signed between Sulaimani Polytechnic University and the British Council. this agreement considered to be an important agreement concluded for the first time in the whole Kurdistan region.
Dr.Alan stated through a press conference that the British Council is an international Organization that has 100s of branches all over the world and works in the cultural and social fields as well as promoting and learning of English language, and since the university working on the process of globalizing the SPU university ,this agreement will promote the English language center and qualified it to make proficiency examination of (IELTS) and grants common certification of both English learning center and the British Council , besides British Council will open its office inside the university .
On his part,Mr.David stated that signing of such agreement is so important for both sides especially that the SPU is a governmental University and hoped that other universities of the KRG step such a move.
Besides Mr.David emphasizes on the importance of a language in general and that the language is a means of communication among people and enables them to get information about nations culture which will lead consequently to rapprochement among them.