New English Language Course at SPU ELC Announced
English Language Center Announcement of a New English Language Course at SPU
Registration will be on line and lasts till 10:00 am of 8/12/2015
English assessment test to determine language proficiency starts at 9am in 10/12/2015 in the Presidency of the SPU at Peramerd Hall and consist of (Grammar, Synonyms, Reading, Writing and Listening)
Courses started after announcing results
For the first time you will get Aptis Certification from ELC.
Prepare your ability and competence in the English language for Master and Doctorate
Improve your English Language through on line Courses of British Council
ELC asks the applicants to start registering for English language courses to get Aptis and Common Certification of both ELC &British Council, and this comes after the great success of the ELC in globalizing the courses Certification.
Minimum age of the applicants is 18 years.
You should register on line and visit our center on Sunday and Thursday at 9am-1pm for payment, seats are limited, or you will be included in the waiting list.
After getting results of the test, and according to the adopted regulations of the British Council, you will start your course in one of the following levels,
2 days per week
First &Third level Monday &Thursday
Second & Fourth level Sunday& Wednesday
9am-1pm- ……………1pm-5pm
Duration of any level 10 weeks (80hours)
Fesses for each level consisting of 2 tests for language proficiency for ELC and British Council, Reading, course program, on line courses and books for reading).
275.000 for Employee of SPU.
325.000 for Employees for Governmental Directories.
375.000 for private sectors.
In case of registration for the second time, you will get deduction of 60 000ID.
Typical Course Content:
(Listening and Speaking, Reading and Writing, Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Translation,)
Coaches are masters and doctorate degree holders.
Certification: applicants should finalize successfully at least two courses including fourth level (160 hours) to get the international certification of (Aptis) and common certification of ELC&BC.
For further information contact us:
Tel 07480190091 Web: https://www.facebook.com/elc.spu
Or visit us:
Sulaimani, Qirga , Wrme St. , Mardin 327 , Alley 76