Website: www.spu.edu.iq/kjar
You are invited to SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT via e-mail to kjar@spu.edu.iq
The KJAR is published by Sulaimani Polytechnic University/Unit of AcademicPublications ,KJAR with ISSN 2411-7684 (Print) and ISSN 2411-7706 (Online )publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English, Kurdish and Arabic, in all areas of PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCES ,HUMANITARIAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. All articles published in (KJAR) will be peer-reviewed. Papers will be published in the next issue of the journal after acceptance soon at the beginning of the new year. The (KJAR) will be published every six month(biannual) by Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU).
Before submitting your manuscript, please visit our guideline for author link available at http://www.spu.edu.iq/kjar/index.php/2015-05-27-21-55-27
– Manuscript Submission Deadline: 20th November 2015
1. Participants will be able to reach and download the Abstracts and full articles from KJAR’s online e-library (www.spu.edu.iq/) web site.
2. KJAR will also be included in Google Scholar and can be indexed.
We look forward to receiving your emails…
Editorial board of KJAR
Journal website: http://www.spu.edu.iq/kjar
Enquirers: kjar@spu.edu.iq