
A Workshop under the title”The status of Dietary Nutrient Intake in Kurdistan and Implication on Human Health’’

The Environmental Studies (ES) Research Group at the Research Center (RC)/ Sulaimani Polytechnic University in collaboration with the Directorate of Health in Sulaimani will hold a workshop entitled “The status of Dietary Nutrient Intake in Kurdistan and Implication on Human Health’’.

The main objectives of this activity are:

  • Presenting some important finding covering locally grown food, risk probability, daily dietary intake, Iodine intake, and iodized salt and health issues in Kurdistan.
  • To highlight the link between agriculture-nutrition-human health also, making a collaboration between agriculture and health sector with academic sector due to future cooperation.

The workshop includes below seminars and joint discussion at the end:

  1. The Status of Iodine and Selenium: Terrestrial Environment, Nutrition, and Implication on Human Health in Kurdistan Region, By Dr. Baset Burhan, Research Center, Sulaimani Polytechnic University
  2. Do Local Foods Grown Around Urban Area Pose Risk to Human Health? By Dr. Karzan Abdullah, Research Center, Sulaimani Polytechnic University
  3. Food and Thyroid Health by Dr. Binaee, Directorate of Health of Sulaimani


Venue: Piramerd Hall, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Qirga

Date: 12/08/2018 10am-1pm