Pay institute for education and development organized a scientific conference entitled joint work conference between academic institutions of the higher education and humanitarian organizations in Banozh Hotel in Erbil and lasted for 2 days. During the conference they discussed the …
Assist.Prof.D.Alan F. Ali and vice president for scientific affairs Dr.Nasih as well as Mr.Bakhtiar Obed Director of registration and Jamal Kakbra Director of IT & Academic Relations received in the presidency of the SPU, Mr.Daban Shadalla representative of KRG in …
The Commemoration Of The Passage Of 117 Years On The Kurdish Press Starts With The Showcase Of Artworks Of Students Of Both Institutes Of Technical College of Administration and Sulaimani Technical Institute. Assist Prof. Dr. Alan F. Ali ,president of …
Assist. Prof. Dr.Alan Faraydoon Ali President of Sulaimani Polytechnic University contributed in a workshop, on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 , in Devan Hotel in Erbil entitled “An Introduction to the Bologna Process, a gateway for Kurdistan Universities to approach European …
The president of SPU (Assist. Prof. Dr.Alan Faraydoon Ali) received the Iraqi president advisor Mr. Bahroz Galaly at the presidency of SPU. The meeting was attended by all of the university vice presidents and the directors at the university, The …
In response to the call of the Secretary General of the Association of Arab universities Dr.Sultan AlOraby and the Lebanese University( MUBS),Both of the Assist Profr D.Alan Faraidoon/President of Sulaimani Polytechnic University and Mr.Bakhtiar Obaid (Director General of Registration ) …
Program Information The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides emerging and mid-career professionals with an opportunity to enhance their professional capacities through participation in specialized 10-month non degree programs developed specifically for small clusters of Humphrey Fellows at selected U.S. …
1. Introduction L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Levant and Egypt fellowships program aims to promote the participation of young women in science coming from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, State of Palestine, and Syria. This program identifies and rewards talented young …
Technical College administration in collaboration with the Presidency of the Kurdistan parliament was held the first symposium on Saturday, 14.03.2015 to discuss the law of Information acquisition, which was passed in the parliament session 28 in 2013, and was composed …