SPU hosted an international workshop entitled “Archaeology, Heritage, and Sustainability”
Today, 20th May 2019, the Cultural Heritage Network (CHN) project from the Digital Cultural Heritage Research Group of Research Center at SPU with the support of the Erasmus plus exchange between our university and the University of Reading rganized an international workshop entitled “Archaeology, Heritage, and Sustainability” for Prof. Dr. Roger Matthews, Dr. Wendy Matthews, and Dr. Amy Richardson.
At the beginning, Dr. Rozhen Kamal Shah Mohammed the founding head of the DCH at Research Center of SPU introduced the presenters and the importance of their academic projects in Kurdistan Region. After the introduction, Dr. Wendy Matthews, associate professor of archaeology from the University of Reading, extensively explored how issues of sustainability can provide an important framework for examining our past, present and future issues and sustainable development. Then, Dr. Amy Richardson passionately discussed new evidences for Neolithic networks of exchange and innovation and the application of the modern and scientific techniques to ancient materials. Her current working in Bestansur as an archaeological site provides more evidences and mind-blowing facts in the area. Finally, Professor Roger Matthews considered issues of resilience and sustainability through study of ancient Mesopotamian bureaucracy and administration. Going back to the 5000 years ago, his analysis and findings promise a lot regarding the early inception of writing and its historical changes in the south and middle of Iraq.
In addition to information sharing and audience engagement in the workshop, during the coffee break, the event also created a great networking and connecting opportunity among the attendees themselves and with the presenters for further engagement and visiting to their working ground in Bestansur.
It is worth mentioning that the workshop was attended by 80 people from faculty members and researchers, and students from different disciplines as well as interested members of the public or of government organizations and NGOs and came from different universities and cities (Ranya, Halabja and Sulaimani).
CHN is generously funded by UCL’s Nahrein Network. The project is jointly directed by the Sulaimani Polytechnic University’s Digital Cultural Heritage Research Group and the Universities of Reading and Leicester.
The workshop was held at Piramerd Hall, The Presidency of Sulaimani Polytechnic University (Behind the Willat Gas station), and run from 2:00 to 5:00 pm.
Tag:CHN, DCH, Digital Cultural Heritage