The E-Learning Training Course for University Teachers has begun
The E-Learning Training Course for university teachers started with the help of the IREX organization and the American Corner in Sulaimani. The E-Learning course lasted for three weeks between 13 Sept to 1 Oct 2020 in which 67 teachers from different colleges and institutes of SPU participated.
The course was coordinated by Asst. Prof. Dr. Sarkawt Rostam Hassan , Dr.Noor Gazi and was taught online using the Zoom application with 7 other teachers who already got IREX certificates on how to use E-learning in teaching.
Generally, the course focused on the needs of electronic education, using online education systems, and the facilities available for teachers and students. At the end of the course, the participants will be given a certificate of participation and then the participants can teach courses at their colleges/institute level.