
An Event Entitled “In Iraq’s Forgotten Genocide’’ Took Place

By following public safety measures, on July 18th, 2021, an event entitled “in Iraq’s forgotten genocide’’ took place. The event was a joint event between the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Yazda, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Digital Cultural Heritage Research Center, Nahrein Network, and the UNESCO Chair for genocide prevention studies in the Islamic world at Baghdad University and with the financial support of the American Aid Organization USAID.

Speakers included the Governor of Sulaimani, President of the Sulaimani Polytechnic University, UNESCO Chair on Genocide Prevention Studies in the Islamic World, a Yazidi genocide survivor, Yazda, and the Nobody’s Listening curator.

In the second part of the event, a panel discussion entitled ‘’ Recovery after Genocide: The Power Of Art and Culture’’ took place. The panel discussion was moderated by Ms. Shokhan Hamarashid Ahmed, and panelists include Dr. Saad Bashir Eskander, Dr. Rozhen Kamal Mohammed-Amin, Mr. Awder Osman, Ms. Zina Khalat Sulaiman, and Mr. Zmnako Ismael Khalid.

They discussed the importance of culture and art to rehabilitate hearts and help survivors return to society and use the difficult situation they have gone through as a tool for building a peaceful environment and discussed the importance of future steps to ensure justice and prevent similar inhuman events.

Finally, the topic was enriched by the public’s questions and comments.

Finally, Dr.Rozhen Kamal, announced the results of the ‘’No body’s Listening’’ assessment report. And after the event was over, some participants tried the Virtual Reality exhibition.