

Viruses are small germs( pathogens) that can infect you and make you sick. They can infect humans, plants, animals, bacteria and fungi. Each one infects only specific types of hosts.
Viral infections in humans can cause no symptoms or make you extremely ill. Viruses aren’t made up of cells , so they don’t have alle the equipment that cell do to make more copies of themselves. Instead, they carry instructions with them and use a host cell’s equipment to make more copies of the virus.
What are some diseases caused by viruses?
1. Respiratory illnesses
2. Diarrhea and vomiting
3. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
4. Skin conditions
5. The flu ( influenza)
6. Corona
7. Chickenpox
8. Measles
9. Rabies
10. Hepatitis
Virus features
1.Are made up of genetic material ( RNA ir DNA) and a protective protein coating ( capsid)
2.Are similar to parasites- they need a host to reproduce. They’ll survive outside of a host until their capsid breaks down over time.
3.Are 100 to 1000 times smaller than the cells in your body.
How do viruses get into your body?
Viruses usually enter your body through your mucous membranes. These include your eyes, nose, mouth, reproductive organs. Some viruses get kn through a break in your skin or from a bite from a mosquito or tick.
Are viruses living or nonliving?
There’s some debate over this. Generally, biologists don’t consider viruses to be alive because they can’t perform the functions that living organisms do. For instance, they can’t convert food into energy, and they can’t live or reproduce without a host cell.
Types of viruses;
Experts group viruses into categories based on similar features, like size, shape and the types of genetic material they carry:
1.Hepatitis viruses
3.Influenza viruses