A University Delegation Participated in the Symposium (Academic Partnership Germany- Iraq-5th Symposium) in Erbil
On 21 st and 22 nd of November 2023, in Erbil, a delegation of Sulaimani Polytechnic University participated in the 5th Symposium of German-Iraqi Academic Partnership which was held with the participation of eight Kurdistan and Iraqi universities and (Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg). The delegation of Sulaimani Polytechnic University consisted of Asst. Prof. Dr. Sarhang Sarwat Hama, vice president for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, Asst. Prof. Dr. Sarkawt Rostam Hassan, Coordinator of Inter-University Affairs and DAAD-ESAM Project; Asst. Prof. Mr. Awder Mohammed Ahmed, Director of International Relations Department, Asst. Prof. Dr. Yasin Mustafa Ahmad, Head of Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering of Technical College of Engineering; and Asst. Prof. Dr. Rizgar Mohammed Abdulrahman, Head of Scientific and Higher Education Department of Technical College of Engineering. In this years symposium, which was chaired by the General Coordinator of the DAAD-ESAM Project, Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdulqadir Ali Qaddo emphasized on education and practical preparation in the field of (Additive Manufacturing-AM) and coordination in the fields of (materials, machinery, manufacturing). During the two days, several research in different fields of mechanical engineering, especially in the field of (AM) were presented by researchers, doctoral and master's students. In addition, master students of the Department of Mechanical and with three papers. It is worth mentioning that the symposium was funded by DAAD and the German Federal Foreign Office and hosted by Salahaddin University – College of Engineering.