Sulaimani Polytechnic University Held the Largest Scientific and Technological Festival
- Categories News & Activities
- Date 12/03/2023
Sulaimani Polytechnic University in coordination with In Sulaimani Platform and with the participation of university students, in the campus of technical colleges of the university, held the largest scientific and technological festival, which several projects and innovations of technology and scientific students of all colleges and institutes were presented.
On Sunday 12th of March 2023 Sulaimani Polytechnic University in coordination with In Sulaimani Platform and in the presence of Asst. Prof. Dr. Hoshyar Abdullah Aziz, the President of Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Ambassador Dr. Mohammed Sabir, the President of Jalal Talabani Foundation, Dr. Khatab Shekhani, Representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Azad Hama Amin, President of Sulaimani Provincial Council, a number of government officials Deans of colleges and institutes, teachers and employees of the university, held the largest scientific and technological festival with the participation of university students in the campus of technical colleges of Sulaimani Polytechnic University.
The festival began with the national anthem and students’ artistic activities and then Dr. Bakhtiar Obed Sharif, the Vice Presedent for Student Affairs and Chairman of the Festival Committee welcomed the guests and said: I would like to thank the platform (In Sulaimani) for coordinating our festival, we appreciate their loyalty and cooperation, we hope to work together to improve the ability of students and help them to further develop their abilities; as well as to find job opportunities and provide a business for the students themselves.
He also mentioned: I am pleased that I have been appointed as Vice President for Student Affairs, in order to be able to help and support you, you really made me happy today, I appreciate your efforts and we promise to have more activities in the future.
He also thanked the deans, doctors and teachers of colleges and institutes of the university and said: Since the announcement of this festival, we have seen their presence with enthusiasm and loyalty, in addition, thanks to our creative and talented students.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hoshyar Abdullah Aziz, the President of Sulaimani Polytechnic University, in a speech, expressed his pleasure to hold this festival full of science and innovation and said: as it is obvious, Sulaimani Polytechnic University has always aimed to educate a class of experienced and innovative students, not just awarding certificates. Today is a witness to the fact that our students are showing us their inventions that they will be the local producers of the country in the coming years.
In another part of his speech, the President of SPU said: Of course, we can believe that the economic level and development of the country are at the hands of these innovative students and many examples like these dear students, and it is not an impossible dream. Let our university support innovative and talented students. He said: as the president of the university, I promise to support the innovative and talented students according to the authority I have and according to the ability of our university.
At the end of his speech, Asst. Prof. Dr. Hoshyar Abdullah Aziz appreciated the role and loyalty of the deans and teachers of colleges and institutes of the university and said: Certainly, we have many good and talented students, but the support and assistance of teachers has also played a significant role in showing the fruits of their efforts on this day.
Then the President, accompanied by the guests visited all the projects and products of the students and listened closely to the students and of their products, in which they participated in more than 150 projects.
At the end of the festival, a special committee evaluated the students’ technological and scientific projects, and innovations. Later, they distributed the first, second and third prizes to the winners of the festival. Then a musical and song atmosphere was presented to the audience, and they praised the students’ artistic works.
It is worth mentioning that the festival continued from 10 am to 4 pm. The guests and visitors praised the festival as a great and unique scientific activity and wished continuity and more success for the students and teachers of Sulaimani Polytechnic University.