Opening the IELTS Test Hall for the First Time in One of the Kurdistan Universities
On 11th of July 2016, and in the presence of Minister of Higher education and scientific research Dr.Yousif Goran and the president of the Sulaimani Polytechnic University Dr.Alan Faraydoon, and numbers of university professors and lecturers, the British Council IELTS Test Hall in the English language Center of SPU was opened.
Dr.Alan Faraydoon stated in a press conference, we are gathering today to announce the opening of the IELTS test Hall and sign an agreement with the British Council to hold IELTS test.
Then Dr.Yousif Goran Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research stated, today is an important day for Sulaimani Polytechnic University and Sulaimani City as well as Kurdistan Region, he praised the efforts of the SPU to open the IELTS test Hall since English language is an international language and has an important scientific role in the world, thus this Hall will turned to be an important cultural center located in the capital of Culture(Sulaimani City),and I take this opportunity to thank the staff of the SPU who achieved this success.
Dr.Alan added the agreement with British Council was activated in 12th of June 2016,and in next August the first IELTS test will be conducted, and said also that according to the agreement, the quality and program of the center as well as the preparation for IELTS test will be supervised directly by the British Council, and the courses will be conducted in the workshop and halls of the English Language Center ELC and the ELC will be considered a recognized test Hall and contained in the IELTS website(www.ielts.org) furthermore all the requirements of IELTS course and test will be provided by BC.
Then Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research accompanied by Dr.Alan Faraydoon president of the SPU visited the whole sections of the ELC which was implemented with modern high quality materials.
It is worth to mention that IELTS test is implemented in 137 countries all over the world.