Sulaimani Polytechnic University participates in an international conference
On 7th of March 2016,a delegation from SPU visited Iran to take part in the international conference of (Omran Shahry) in Sanandaj ,the conference organized by Islamic Azad University and entitled(2nd International Conference on Urban Development based on New Technologies ICUDT2016 and 5th National Conference on Urban Development) ,it was lasted for three days ,many international universities of Britain, American, Germany Finland and Iranian participated in this international conference, and SPU was the only university participated in Iraq.
The delegation of SPU was consisted of the Vice president of Scientific Affairs/Dr.Soran Saeed as well as Secretary of University Council Mr. Salah Kader and General Director of Registration Mr.Bakhtyar Obed, they held a meeting with the President ,vice president and the staff of the university and discussed a lot of scientific fields, and signed an MOU and the memorandum consisted of some items one of which was the university of Sanandaj will provide two professors to open courses of learning Persian language and it was planned that till 20/4/2016 SPU will receive list of the names of the whole professors of Master and PhD degree in Sanandaj University to open the Department of graduate studies in partnership with SPU.
Dr.Soran stated, the third item of the MOU comprised on providing Sanandaj University with list of names of SPU professors and assist professors to supervise the master and PhD degrees in Sanandaj as an attempt to assist the university professors in this economic crises in Kurdistan.
While Mr.Salah said ,it is worth to mention that SPU was the only university in Kurdistan and Iraq participated in this conference , and all the delegation members received certification of participation at the end of the conference, besides the delegation visited the university of Sanandaj and all the scientific colleges, workshops and institutes of the university and met the whole academic staff and exchanged views together, he added also that during their visit to Arshd research Center which will be the sponsor of the invents, they met the chief of the center.
Also Mr. Bakhtyar stated; we have participated in the activity of the conference, and visited Kurdistan Center for research as well as veterinary and agriculture colleges, there we saw the production projects of theses colleges in the fields of poultry and fish breeding, moreover other results of the visit is getting three scholarships for our university.
It is worth mentioning that SPU participated in many different international conferences and signed 28 MOUs with American, European, Arabian, and Turkish and Iranian universities and will work continuously to develop the level of the education in the universities of Kurdistan.