Sulaimani Polytechnic University granted Graduation Certification to 50 Health employees.
Under the slogan, (It is our duty to pay our attention to the employees of health in laboratories), on 4th of June 2016, SPU organized a ceremony of graduation to the employees of health sector in laboratories, where the graduates received their certification.
Each of Dr.Alan Faraydoon president of the SPU university, and General Director of Directorate of Health in Sulaimani Dr.Miran Mohamed as well as Dr.Sherko Hama Amin,a member of parliament and many lecturers and staff of health attended the ceremony.
The ceremony was particularized for the graduates of the health staff of laboratories, they have received a course lasted for 6 conducted by a lecturer of Technical College of Health at SPU.
The aim of the course is to raise the scientific level of the health staff to be more accurate in determine the disease and to present better services for our community.
The ceremony started with a speech delivered by Dr.Alan president of SPU,General Director of Health in Sulaimani,and head of Sulaimani branch of Health Syndicate .
During the ceremony, Syndicate of Health in Sulaimani presented reward certifications for both SPU and Technical College of Health at SPU.
During his speech, Dr.Alan congratulated all the graduates and stated, we would like to thank all the participants, and university role is to produce and prepare the best staff to occupy best position and to match the requirements of the market.