Organizing a workshop on “Strategy for the Dissemination of Research in the Humanities”
On Monday, April 30, 2018, the Planning Division of the Research Center organized a workshop entitled “Strategy for the Dissemination of Research in the Humanities” by Dr. Ahmed Omar. The workshop was attended by a number of professors and researchers at the university and outside the university, where Dr. Ahmed referred to his research published in international journals in English and Arabic. He mentioned strategies for disseminating research and the importance of disseminating humanities research in international journals. He also referred to the obstacles that faces the researcher during the publication, and then presented names of international journals important to disseminate research.
It is worth mentioning that Dr. Ahmed received his PhD from Sheffield Hallam University,He is the head of diplomatic and public relations at the University of Human Development and lecturer at the Sulaimani Polytechnic University and in charge of the groups (Future Analysis of Referendum and Genocide) and (Women’s Studies).