In the Presence of the Minister of Higher Education and the Representative of SPU Polla Khanaqa a MoU Signed between both Göttingen & Spu
During his visit to Germany Dr.Goran Youssif Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research accompanied by Prof. Dr.Polla Khanaqa Head of Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research(KISSR) visited Georg-August-Universität Göttingen university and Max Planck research institution ,they have been received warmly by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel president of Göttingen University who showed his readiness to implement scientific projects and researches between both universities also they have shown their willingness to receive the master’s and doctoral students of Kurdistan to supplement their studies without taking tution fee in different fields and in English language ,accordingly Dr.Goran Minister of Higher Education has been received by eight deans in different places according to the type and field of the colleges ,through which they have discussed intensively all the details to receive students and exchanging staffs and professors to implement mutual scientific research .
Max Planck Research Institution also showed their readiness to receive talented students to supplement their masters and PhD degrees in their institution.
Finally a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and SPU.